Sustainable Solutions for a Sustainable Planet

“The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me, on our choices, and on our will.”

- Chai Jing

What inspires me to study environmental sciences?

It all began when I stumbled upon the YouTube channel Not Just Bikes. Dedicated to urban planning— it explained why car-dependency is so harmful, and the isolating effects of urban sprawl. Realizing that my suburban hometown, Fremont, was another victim of terrible urban planning, I decided that I would reject cars. I spent an entire year trying to drive as little as possible— biking or walking upwards of five miles a day to get food or visit friends, and taking the unreliable city bus everyday.

From then on, I knew I wanted to study the environment because I want to discover the mysteries of our world— why it works in the way it does, but more importantly, how to harness that knowledge in a symbiotically beneficial way.

How I am making a difference

  • Ocean Protection

    Through coastal clean-ups, scientific research and innovation, and educational programming

  • Wilderness Preservation

    Through maintaining trails, running educational programs in parks, and organizing local hikes for youth

  • Sustainability on Campus

    Through implementing Zero Waste initiatives, and innovative sustainable solutions

  • Newsletters and Articles

    Writing about the issues we are facing today

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."

— Andy Warhol